Privacy Policy

(art. 13 and 14 EU Reg. 2016/679)

For the purposes set out in EU Regulation no. 2016/679 relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (“GDPR Regulation”) carried out through this website (“Site”), we inform you that the processing of personal data provided by you (name, surname, telephone number, email, IP address, payment data and/or navigation data) are acquired by the company Dermoproject Srl, hereinafter "Company", and will be processed by the latter in compliance of the legislation provided for by the aforementioned GDPR Regulation and the consequent rights and obligations, as described below.

1. PURPOSE AND LEGAL BASIS OF THE PROCESSING - The processing of the aforementioned data is aimed at:

  1. know information on the use of the Site, allow and control its correct functioning and display, carry out any other function necessary or instrumental to the operation of the Site, including the installation of technical cookies to guarantee the functionality of the Site, purposes for which refers to the Cookie Policy: the legal basis is the legitimate interest of the Company;
  2. for security reasons (anti-spam filters, firewalls and virus detection), block attempts to damage the Site itself or cause harm to users, and in any case to avoid harmful activities or activities constituting a crime: the relevant legal basis is the legitimate interest of the Company ;
  3. carry out pre-contractual and contractual activities aimed at carrying out the activities requested by you and/or selling the Products present on the Site: the relevant legal basis is the Company's need to carry out pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the interested party and/or execute a contract of which the interested party is a party;
  4. know the areas of the Site most visited by users and verify the topics of greatest interest to users of the Site, purposes for which please refer to the Cookie Policy: the relevant legal basis is the consent which is specifically requested by the Company;
  5. know the users who visit the Site, a purpose for which please refer to the Cookie Policy: the related legal basis is the consent which is specifically requested by the Company;
  6. send communications such as newsletters, advertising communications and/or communications of an informative, commercial and/or direct and indirect marketing nature (retargeting), relating to the activity carried out by the Company and the sale of products through the Site. This may take place both by means of traditional contact systems (paper mail and calls via operator), and with the use of automated communication systems (CRM) for sending e-mail messages and/or messages of other nature (SMS, direct, messenger and similar) and retargeting, purposes for which please refer to the Cookie Policy: the related legal basis is the consent which is specifically requested by the Company;
  7. allow user profiling and the execution of market research and analyzes aimed at detecting the degree of customer satisfaction on the quality and type of products and services rendered, purposes for which please refer to the Cookie Policy: the relevant legal basis is the consent that is specifically requested by the Company;
  8. the fulfillment of the relevant legal obligations connected with the above activities, including obligations regarding the protection of personal data, anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing: the relevant legal basis is the Company's need to fulfill an obligation legal to which it is subject;
  9. the possible protection of one's interests in an extra-judicial or judicial setting: the relevant legal basis is the Company's need to pursue its own legitimate interest.

2. METHODS OF PROCESSING PERSONAL DATA - The processing is carried out through operations, carried out with or without the aid of electronic instruments and consists of collection, recording, organisation, conservation, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, deletion and destruction of data. The processing is carried out by the Company as well as by the specifically appointed persons in charge and by the data processors expressly authorized by the Company.

3. PROVISION OF DATA AND REFUSAL - The provision of the requested personal data is necessary only for the purposes of carrying out the activities referred to in paragraph 1, letters (a), (b), (c), (h) and (i) and your refusal to provide personal data will make it impossible for you to use the Site and/or related services. For the other purposes described in paragraph 1, the provision is always optional and the processing requires your consent which, once provided, can be revoked at any time.

4. DATA COMMUNICATION - Personal data becomes known exclusively to the Company, or to the data processors, or to the data processors to whom they may be communicated for the relevant purposes. The data may also be communicated to external collaborators or other subjects, or service providers used by the Company for the sole purposes and in compliance with the legal bases referred to in paragraph 1. You can request further information at any time in relation to the persons in charge and the data controllers appointed by the Company. Personal data are not subject to disclosure.

5. TRANSFER OF DATA ABROAD - Personal data may be transferred to countries of the European Union or to third countries compared to those of the European Union in compliance with the provisions of the legislation on privacy and adopting all the consequent precautions and obligations necessary.

6. DATA STORAGE – Each personal data is processed for the period strictly necessary to carry out the individual activities referred to in paragraph 1 for which it was collected.
Such data are subsequently retained for a maximum period of ten years starting from the date of completion of the last activity for the purposes of paragraph 1. With reference to the processing relating only to the activities referred to in paragraph 1, letters (e), (f), (g), the data are processed until your consent is revoked and in any case stored for a period of 2 (two) years starting from the date of completion of the last activity or from the revocation of consent. This is always without prejudice to conservation for a longer period for the purposes of protecting the Company for the purposes referred to in paragraph 1, letters (h) and (i), and within the deadline for exercising the rights connected therein.
At the end of the relevant retention period, the data will be deleted.

7. DATA CONTROLLER – The data controller is the company Dermoproject Srl, Via Abruzzi n. 7, 64016 Sant'Egidio alla Vibrata (TE), Italy, Tax Code and VAT number 02119460679 registered in the Company Register under REA number TE-204687, in the person of the legal representative pro tempore, tel. +39 3453057842, email , PEC . Information relating to the categories of Data Processors is available at the registered office of the relevant Data Controller and can be requested at the addresses indicated above.

8. RIGHTS OF THE INTERESTED PARTY - You always have the right to request access, rectification, cancellation or removal, limitation of processing, opposition to data processing, to obtain data in a structured format for use without impediments from the Data Controller common and readable by an automatic device to transmit them to another data controller, to revoke consent to processing without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent acquired before the revocation. You can find more information on your rights .
The exercise of the aforementioned rights can be carried out by contacting the Data Controller at the contact details referred to in paragraph 7 or, in any case, by written communication to be sent to Dermoproject Srl, Via Abruzzi n. 7, 64016 Sant'Egidio alla Vibrata (TE), Italy, or by PEC to the PEC address . If you believe that the data is not being processed correctly, you can also lodge a complaint with the Guarantor Authority for the Protection of Personal Data. It is possible to find more information in this sense at the link indicated below

Last updated June 27, 2023